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catalogues, reviews, texts, press


« Dominique Weber », in Patricia Blok, Xavier Gras and Olivier Wahl (ed.), Ode to Joy, Paris, Groupement intensité / Le bonheur est dans l’instant, May 2024, p. 44


« Dominique Weber », in Mireille Desideri (ed.), L’Art à la rue, Aire-sur-la-Lys, Ateliergaleriéditions, March 2024, vol. 2 (2015-2024) //


Jonathan Tichit, « Learning the landscape : Dominique Weber », lecture given for the exhibition « nudities », Tatiss Art Gallery, Lyon, 26th June 2021


« Dominique Weber : Why, my love, did we get divorced ? », Ecozon@. European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment, Universidad de Alcalá, vol. 10, n° 2, 2019 : cover picture ; Anne-Rachel Hermetet and Stephanie Posthumus, « Ecological In(ter)ventions in the Francophone World : An Introduction », p. 1-8, especially p. 1-2 ; Damiano Benvegnù, « Editorial », p. 179-182, especially p. 180-181 ; « Creative Writing and Arts », p. 183-186 ( )


Aux lisières du jardin, exhibition booklet, Saint-Quentin, The 115 Art Gallery, 2019, 56 p., with an original text by Cécile A. Holdban « do not desert space »


Mathieu Le Pors, L’apport de l’art et de la réflexion sur l’art aux problématiques réalistes et écologiques contemporaines, Paris, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Master in history of philosophy (« Philosophy of knowledge and language ») under the supervision of Pauline Nadrigny, April 2019, 15 p., especially p. 11-15 (unpublished dissertation)


Emily Breidenbach and Christina Nafziger, « Dominique Weber », Collective Terrain. Forefronting art that expresses humanity’s complicated relationship to land, Issue 1, Friday 21st December 2018 (


Marie-Pierre Griffon, « Les nuances de sol de Dominique Weber », L’Écho du Pas-de-Calais, n° 184, October 2018, p. 24


Kathryn Carter, « nuits nuits nuits », « walking in love » and « burnt », in The Haiku Times, 23rd September 2018, three haikus inspired by three drawings, which can be read at the web address


Dominique Weber : Nuances de sol, exhibition booklet, Arras, The Perched Rat, 2018, 27 p.


Aurore Chevillotte, Philippine Lambla, Ana Lebron De Castro, Clémentine Lypszyc, Mathilde Portejoie and Sara Rottenwöhrer (ed.), Nocturne. L’homme, animal de nuit, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Bertrand Grimont Art Gallery, 2018, 60 p., here p. 23-27



artist books


respirer le sol, six photographs and a drawing by Dominique Weber, seven prose texts by Cameron Morin, c.el.a. (cadavre exquis littéraire et artistique) – 7 x 7, 2020, electronic publication under the supervision of Irma Barda, Salomé Burstein, Milena Charbit and Milena Henochsberg,


lien profond à l’espace, hitherto unpublished poem by Cécile A. Holdban and engraving by Dominique Weber, March 2019, self-published artist book composed of three Opal Coast stones collected around Cap Gris-Nez by Dominique Weber during his walks, variable dimensions (about 28 x 44 cm), edition of 2 copies which are dated, numbered and signed by both authors


de pluie, de nuit, le sol, seven photographs by Patrick Devresse and eight poems by Dominique Weber, including a graphic poem, Dainville & Saint-Laurent-Blangy, Les Entreliens, October 2018, Epson digital print on 210 g/m2 Canson Infinity photographic rag paper, 12 pages under slipcover shaped by Cartonnages S. Laramée in Paris, 21,5 x 30,5 x 1,8 cm, each box being enriched with a paper collected in the street by Dominique Weber during his walks, variable dimensions, edition of 10 copies which are numbered and signed by both authors


sein noir, drawings by Alain Lestié and poem by Dominique Weber, Arras, MDL, coll. « XYZ », September 2018, Epson digital print on 265 g/m2 Hahnemühle bamboo paper, with a direct intervention with « nero pencil », book in one 40 x 30 cm sheet of paper (the sheet is folded in four parts, one page is cut out), closed book size 20 x 15 cm, edition of 40 copies which are numbered and signed by both authors





« humains du jardin », Prétexte, under the supervision of Marie Rosier, Mathilde Zafirov and Blanche Taddei, École Supérieure d’Art du Nord-Pas-de-Calais / Dunkerque-Tourcoing, n° 2 (Épistolaire), Saturday 25th April 2020


« perlée d’eau, gercée d’hyphes », Tapis de chiffons n° 71, Sunday 19th April 2020, a painting by Cécile A. Holdban and a verse by Dominique Weber on a tea bag, 7 x 10 cm, to be gathered and then bound, as part of the Tapis de chiffons collective project led by Cécile A. Holdban and published in her book entitled Kaléidoscope, Perrigny-lès-Dijon, L’Atelier des Noyers, coll. « Hors Champs », 2023


« nuits », one graphic poem, in Aurore Chevillotte, Philippine Lambla, Ana Lebron De Castro, Clémentine Lypszyc, Mathilde Portejoie and Sara Rottenwöhrer (ed.), Nocturne. L’homme, animal de nuit, exhibition catalogue, Paris, Galerie Bertrand Grimont, 2018, p. 24


« sans monde », « en les artères », « les terres nues et lentes », three poems, in Thauma. Revue de philosophie et de poésie, n° 15 (« Pierres » / « Stones »), Februar 2018, p. 82-85


« se fuir, laisse venir », one poem, in Dissonances, n° 33 (« Fuir » / « Getting away »), winter 2017, p. 17 //


« au sol », six poems, in N47. Revue de poésie, n° 31, autumn 2017, p. 83-85 //


« puis la carraire », one poem, in Libelle, n° 293, October 2017, p. 5 //


« elle déprécise », « quant aux étirements », two poems, in 17 secondes. Poésie contemporaine, n° 9, October 2017, p. 41 // 



personal texts


Notes de travail, 2015-2019. Effacer les reflets, text edited by Julien Van Anholt, Paris, Isti Mirant Stella, collection « Essais/Documents », June 2021, 180 p., 12 x 21 cm, edition of 150 copies //


« Accueillir », in Gamelle itinérante. Textes rassemblés, booklet made by Jean-Marc Saulnier, Glun, July 2020, 21 x 14,5 cm, edition of 100 copies, in a tracing envelope, with a photograph by Jean-Pierre Loubat – text written for the exhibition Jean-Marc Saulnier : Morceaux de choix, Uzès, Georges Borias Museum, 8th September-31st December 2020


Les leçons de l’otiorhynque, on the « mathematical work » of Michel Dector, booklet made by Michel Dector on recycled paper, Savennières, January 2020, 32 p., 15 x 21 cm, edition of 30 copies


Cover drawing (l’écart et l’entre : quand nous étions allusifs, 2018, Indian ink on paper, 76 x 56 cm) of the collective book Art et concepts. Chantier philosophique de François Jullien / Ateliers d’artistes, François L’Yvonnet (ed.), Paris, PUF / Humensis, January 2020, 288 p. + « Respirer à partir des talons », February 2020, text published on the website Chaire sur l’altérité : François Jullien (



music labels


2020 : collaboration with the electronic music label Attic Music (Fabrizio Lapiana, Fabio Milito – Rome / Amsterdam / Berlin – // @atticmusic) – covers of the following vinyl records : Attic 019 : Hit this ground by Conrad Van Orton ; Attic 020 : Collective Chaos (w/Neel & Laertes remix) by Fabrizio Lapiana ; Attic 021 : Pledge by Nørbak


2019 : collaboration with the electronic music label Attic Music (Fabrizio Lapiana, Fabio Milito – Rome / Amsterdam / Berlin – // @atticmusic) – cover of the vinyl record Attic 018 : Rash by Fabrizio Lapiana





2021 : radio interview with Manuela Salvi for Radio Télévision Suisse Romande (RTS) broadcasted in the program « À voix haute » on Sunday 4th July 2021, 15 minutes, for the exhibition  « 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2,9 seconds », The philosophical Art Gallery, Grandson (Switzerland), 1st July-19th August 2021, curator : Jorge Cañete,


2019 : radio interview with Pierre-Charles Boidin for Radio PFM broadcasted in the program « Info 30 » on Thursday 18th July 2019 and in the program « Attention les oreilles ! » on Sunday 21st July 2019, 24 minutes 33 seconds (99.9 MHz //, for the exhibition « On the Edges of the Garden », with Mireille Desideri and Catherine Slowik, The 115 Art Gallery, Saint-Quentin, 19th-24th July 2019

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